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By making a generous contribution, you will empower us to extend the reach of the True Gospel, ensuring that its enlightening message reaches a wider audience.

Your gift will play a crucial role in illuminating the lives of every individual who enters this world, allowing them to experience the transformative power of the Gospel.

To make a secure online payment to Trulight Radio XM, simply click on the provided link. We express our heartfelt gratitude for your willingness to follow the guidance of the Lord and for your anticipated support in advancing our mission.

Founding Statement

We believe in the Trinity, that God the Father created Heaven and Earth and us as humans We Believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God, That he died for our sins on the Cross, that He arose on the 3rd day and ascended to Heaven to prepare a place for us. We Believe in the Holy Spirit as the Leading Spirit of God and moves with the 4 Living Beings to Baptism the Children of God in being Spirit Filled. We Believe in Angels, heavenly beings that’s there to serve, protect and assist the Trinity and us the Spirit filled children of God. We Believe we have an enemy – satan and his demons, but him and his friends are under our feet as Spirit filled Children of God. We Believe that sin is the reason for eternal punishment and that satan and his demons will also be punished after the Great White Throne Judgement. We Believe in the gifts of the Spirit given to us by The 7 Spirits of God Lead by the Holy Spirit. and this we will bare the fruits of the Spirit. We Believe in Repentance of Sin, Baptism of Water and Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We Believe that Jesus Christ will come again to collect His bride one day!