What is the real date of the Birth of Jesus?History convincingly shows that December 25 was popularized as the date for Christmas, not because Christ was born on that day but because it was already popular in pagan religious celebrations as the birthday of the sun.The biblical accounts point to the fall of the year as the most likely time of Jesus’ birth.But is it possible that December 25 could be the day of Christ’s birth?“Lacking any scriptural pointers to Jesus’s birthday, early Christian teachers suggested dates all over the calendar. Clement… picked November 18. Hippolytus … figured Christ must have been born on a Wednesday … An anonymous document[,] believed to have been written in North Africa around A.D. 243, placed Jesus’s birth on March 28” (Jeffery Sheler, U.S. News & World Report, “In Search of Christmas,” Dec. 23, 1996, p. 58).A careful analysis of Scripture, however, clearly indicates that December 25 is an unlikely date for Christ’s birth. Here are two primary reasons:
1. We know that shepherds were in the fields watching their flocks at the time of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:7-8).Shepherds were not in the fields during December.
According to Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays, Luke’s account “suggests that Jesus may have been born in summer or early fall. Since December is cold and rainy in Judea, it is likely the shepherds would have sought shelter for their flocks at night” (p. 309).Similarly, The Interpreter’s One-Volume Commentary says this passage argues “against the birth [of Christ] occurring on Dec. 25 since the weather would not have permitted” shepherds watching over their flocks in the fields at night.
2. Jesus’ parents came to Bethlehem to register in a Roman census (Luke 2:1-4).Such censuses were not taken in winter, when temperatures often dropped below freezing and roads were in poor condition. Taking a census under such conditions would have been self-defeating.Given the difficulties and the desire to bring pagans into Christianity, “the important fact then … to get clearly into your head is that the fixing of the date as December 25th was a compromise with paganism” (William Walsh, The Story of Santa Klaus, 1970, p. 62).Did Jesus Christ birth occur on December 25th? Can we even know when Christ was born?
Should we really be celebrating His birth?Watch the video “When Was Jesus Born?”If Jesus Christ wasn’t born on December 25, does the Bible indicate when He was born?
The biblical accounts point to the fall of the year as the most likely time of Jesus’ birth, based on the conception and birth of John the Baptist.Since Elizabeth (John’s mother) was in her sixth month of pregnancy when Jesus was conceived (Luke 1:24-36), we can determine the approximate time of year Jesus was born if we know when John was born. John’s father, Zacharias, was a priest serving in the Jerusalem temple during the course of Abijah (Luke 1:5). Historical calculations indicate this course of service corresponded to June 13-19 in that year ( The Companion Bible, 1974, Appendix 179, p. 200).It was during this time of temple service that Zacharias learned that he and his wife Elizabeth would have a child (Luke 1:8-13). After he completed his service and traveled home, Elizabeth conceived (Luke 1:23-24). Assuming John’s conception took place near the end of June, adding nine months brings us to the end of March as the most likely time for John’s birth.
Adding another six months (the difference in ages between John and Jesus) brings us to the end of September as the likely time of Jesus’ birth. Pastor Dirk confirms the 23rd of September is the real Birth date of Jesus Christ his savior. for great things happens on the 23rd of September every year in Israel!
Jesus never mentioned in the word (The Bible) for us to celebrate his birthday ! but its human to celebrate the Birth date of the ones we love ! So Happy Birthday Jesus !
What can I give Jesus today – Give him your Heart – Or Show Faith in Him – Believe in Jesus and His Father – This being the Greatest Gift to Him
Veels geluk Jesus – 23 September 2020
In Lukas 1 en 2 lees ons van die geboorte van Jesus Christus. In hoofstuk 2 sien ons ook dat Jesus, toe Hy 12 was, saam met Sy ouers na Jerusalem opgegaan het vir die pasga. Gefokus op hul reis, vertrek die gesin uit Jerusalem. Later die dag besef Josef en Maria dat Jesus nie by hulle was nie. Hulle het na Jerusalem teruggekeer, en na drie dae vind hul Jesus in die tempel.
Namate Kersfees nader kom, vind ek dat gelowiges gereed maak vir Kersfees. Hulle beplan die maaltyd, die geskenke en selfs die vakansie. Ongelukkig word Jesus in baie gevalle agter gelaat. In plaas daarvan om Jesus Christus, Sy koms, lewe, dood, opstanding en hemelvaart in gedagte te hou, word daar op die gebeurtenis, datum of vakansie gefokus.
As ons terugkyk na Lukas 2: 7, sien ons dat Jesus in ‘n stal gebore is en in ‘n krip neergelê is omdat daar geen plek in die herberg was nie. Weereens word ons herinner om plek te maak vir Jesus, om Hom nie weg te wys om in ‘n stal gebore te word nie, bloot omdat ons geen ruimte vir Hom het nie.
Vir die gelowige is Kersfees nie ‘n viering van die geboorte datum van Christus nie, aangesien die Skrif (Woord of Bybel) nooit die datum aangeteken het nie glo ons by TruLight dat dit die 23st September moet wees (Redes Hiervoor in die Engelse Gedeelte ). Vir ons is die dag ‘n tyd om die koms en die doel van Jesus Christus se koms te vier. Jesus het gekom om te red, te verlos en te genees.
En as ek mag, kan ek voorstel dat ons die dag tyd maak vir gebed, lofprysing, Bybel lees en nagmaal. Die uiteindelike doel van die koms van Jesus Christus was om ons te red deur Sy lewe aan die kruis te Golgota te gee. Daarom wil ek elke gesin aanmoedig om brood en wyn (druiwesap) te neem en die dood en opstanding van Christus te herdenk. En nee, die nagmaal is nie gereserveer vir die kerk nie, maar word deur Jesus Christus ingestel vir alle gelowiges. “Want so dikwels as julle hierdie brood eet en hierdie beker drink, verkondig julle die dood van die Here totdat Hy kom.” (1 Korintiërs 11: 6)
Toe Jesus kom, word die stal Sy troonkamer en die krip Sy troon. Laat ons, soos die herders (in Lukas 2:16) ons haas om Jesus te sien, om die Koning van die konings en die Here van die here hulde te bring. Moenie net probeer om Christus in vandag terug te plaas nie, maar laat ons eerder in God se teenwoordigheid ingaan deur onsself daagliks aan Jesus Christus te onderwerp of oor te gee.
Laat ons saam met die engele sing: “Eer aan God in die hoogste hemele en vrede op aarde, in die mense ‘n welbehae!” (Soos in Lukas 2:14)