TruLight Radio XM
The Truth in Life that will Shine the Light on your Way
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Doctrines of Demons
Oneness Jesus Only Doctrine
Pre or Mid Tribulation Rapture
Hebrew Sacred Names Cult
The Christian Zionist Movement
The NAR Movement
Hyper Grace
The Doctrine of Demons called Chrislam
Demonic strongholds in the Church
The True Gospel
False Prophets and “Christs” / Apostles
Knights of Malta and Templar Knights in the Church
‘Be ‘wise as serpents’ – Evil Symbols to look for
The Holy Roman Empire NWO
Kingdom Now – The Kingdom of God on Earth – 1000 Year Earthly Reign
Generals in Gods Army?
Gothic Templar Knight Christianity
Templar Knights in your Church killing Christians
Is TruLight Radio XM Anti – Semitic ?
Radio News
Hillsong, Bethel and Jesus Culture
Listen Live
2nd Jewish Holocaust predicted by Jesus and John
4 Gates to Heaven
Antichrist will use Direct Energy Weapons as Miracle display
Christian Pastor pray at the Western Wall ?
Default Jesus!
Don’t Be Fooled – Jesus is not the Jewish Messiah.
Earth stops Spinning at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ
End Time Healing vs Smart Pill
FEAR the Number 1 Sign of the End Times in the Church.
Final Warning from Jesus to the Pre Tribulation Rapture Believers!
Gelofte Dag – Gelofte aan watter god?
Gift and Fruit to have in the End Times
God and Earths Final Continental Drift
Gog – Magog, 6th Trumpet and the 4 Angels in the Euphrates River.
Intercessors in Heaven
Is the Great Tribulation a Christian Tribulation only?
Jesus Christ and the 7 Spirits of God
Jesus will arrive 7 years from the Fulfillment of this Bible Prophecy!
My Vision of the Rapture
NO Proof in the Bible for a Pre Tribulation Rapture
Parallel Timelines & The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Should Christians do the Color Run?
Stel jou geloof op die proef!
The ACDP a NAR Political Party?
The Antichrist will come from the Christian Zionist Movement of America
The Black Pope , The Horsemen of the Black Horse
The DNA of Jesus Christ
The False Doctrine of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement NAR
The Doctrine of Demons of the Ai Jesus identified
The Great Falling Away from Christianity
The Holy Spirit and His Angels
The Man in the Middle
The RAPTURE, Where will it take place ?
The True Gospel
The Two Harvests of Revelation
The “Jesus Only” doctrine.
Was the Palestine and Israel Peace deal flashed down the drain?
We are now living in the “last Minute!”
What will the 2 Witnesses Say?
Whats the Difference between Judging & Reproof
When will Jesus arrive and take care of the Rapture ?
When will the Last Revival Take Place?
Where does the Holy Spirit Live in my Body?
Where will I open my eyes minutes after I Die?
Why you should study Bible prophecy!
Without the Baptism of the Holy Spirit there is NO Rapture for You!
Specific demonic strongholds in church Rev 1 – 3
Jesus is the Antidote to the Poison He had to release!
12 Bible Signs that it’s the END TIMES
The 4th of July of America in Bible Prophecy
The 12 steps to Heaven
“COEXIST” the Antichrist Fake Peace Plan
Christians that defect to the mark will receive it in the forehead
AFM / AGS Free Mason Knights Templar ?
Leringe deur Pastoor Dirk in Afrikaans
Pastoor Dirk – As hul uitroep Vrede en Veiligheid
Pastoor Dirk – 11 Eindtyd Studies – Audio
Pastoor Dirk – Die geestelike gebeurtenis om die skuif van die 22 Mummies in Egypt April 2021
Pastoor Dirk 25 Desember Oggend Boodskap
Pastoor Dirk – As ons die Kennis verwerp weens sonde in ons lewe
Pastoor Dirk – Bou Jou muur van Geloof
Pastoor Dirk – Des 27 2019 Nuus oor Eindtyd Israel
Pastoor Dirk – Oordeel NEE , Teregwysing JA’ Oordeel eendag JA
Pastoor Dirk – Valse Herlewing VS Ware Herlewing
Pastoor Dirk – Hoe lank nog tot by die Wederkoms van Jesus?
Pastoor Dirk – Waar maak ek my oe oop 5 minute na die Dood
Pastoor Dirk – Die Wederkoms van Jesus weer eens ‘n reddings plan
Pastoor Dirk – Wanneer die Kerk lief word vir sonde
Pastoor Dirk – Is die Groot Verdrukking ‘n Christen verdrukking alleenlik
Pastoor Dirk – Wat gebeur tans in die Middeooste en wat se die Bybel
Pastoor Dirk – Word ek gered uit geloof of werke
Pastoor Dirk – Ons is mos Kinders van die Lig?
Pastoor Dirk – Hoe praat God met my as ek nog nie Gees gevuld is nie
Pastoor Dirk – Jode Haat gaan beheer word op Social Media !
Pastoor Dirk – Vas en Gebed
Pastoor Dirk – Hoe praat God met my as ek gedoop is met die Heilige Gees
Pastoor Dirk – Die Nuwe Wereld orde finale stap en JOU finale stap
Pastoor Dirk – Onvergifnis en die boeke van oordeel
Pastoor Dirk – Laaste Dae beveiliging
Pastoor Dirk – Pasga en Nagmaal
Pastoor Dirk – Toorkuns in die Kerk
Pastoor Dirk – Totale Geloof is gelyk aan Geen Vrees
Pastoor Dirk – Een Wereld Geld Stelsel – Evolusie van Geld – Crypto Currency
Pastoor Dirk – Is Rook Sonde?
Pastoor Dirk – Word Heilig want Ek is Heilig
Pastoor Dirk – Die Trump Kushner Vredes Plan bespreek
Pastoor Dirk – Prediker jy is slegs n Temple Gids met n groot verantwoordelikheid
Pastoor Dirk – Die Here gebruik nie ‘n Koekie drukker nie
Pastoor Dirk – Is die Groot verdrukking net n Christen verdrukking
Pastoor Dirk – Die Oes lyk soos die saad
Pastoor Dirk – Die Okkulte in Jou Kerk
Pastoor Dirk – As Kind van God leef jy nie in Utopia nie
Pastoor Dirk – Die Finale Oorlog waarin almal sterf maar nie een skoot klap nie
Pastoor Dirk – Doctrines of Demons 6 Leringe
Pastoor Dirk – Jesus Leef ! Sy Ware Kerk Leef Nog !
Pastoor Dirk – Die 12 Stappe na die Hemel – 4 Leringe
Pastoor Dirk – Doping van die Heilige Gees 6 Audio Lesse
Pastoor Dirk – Die 12 Stappe na die Hemel Hersien
Pastoor Dirk – Gebed, Lofprysing , Geloof en Nagmaal 5 Audio lesse
Pastoor Dirk – Vrees die Nr 1 Teken van die Eindtyd
Pastoor Dirk – Dissipleskap 2 Lesse Audio
Pastoor Dirk – As die Klippe begin Uitroep
Pastoor Dirk – Die Corona Virus en die Nuwe Wereld Orde
Pastoor Dirk – profesies, profete en Boodskappe van die Heilige Gees
Pastoor Dirk – Die Antichrist kom uit die Herbore “Holy Roman Empire”
Pastoor Dirk – Voorwaar! Voorwaar! Jesus se vir ons
Pastoor Dirk – 3 Groepe Christenne in die Eindtyd
Pastoor Dirk – Uitnodiging na die Bruilofsmaal van die Lam
Pastoor Dirk – Wanneer ontvang ek my uitnodiging na die Bruilofsmaal van die Lam?
Pastoor Dirk – Die Kerk pleeg Diefstal in Gebed
Pastoor Dirk – Die 4 False godsdienste en die 4 Lewende Wesens
Lering Reekse deur Pastoor Dirk
Nagmaal 6 April 2023 Pastoor Dirk
Opstandings Oggend Nagmaal 31 Maart 2024 om 8uur
Pastoor Dirk – Corona Virus en die 666
Pastoor Dirk – Wat bou Geloof die Beste
Pastoor Dirk – Verdraai jy Bybel verse om jou Vrees te voer
Pastoor Dirk – Wat gebeur op Aarde wanneer Jesus Terug kom?
Pastoor Dirk – Vrees verdryf die Liefde
Pastoor Dirk – Moet ons almal vir Jesus werk?
Pastoor Dirk – Ek gaan jou verseker uit die Vuur Pluk
Pastoor Dirk – Dringendheid van die Dissiples van ouds en nou
Pastoor Dirk – Ons Metamorfose van Sondaar na Geesgevulde Kind van God
Pastoor Dirk – Negatiewe Getuienisse word Skinder genoem
Pastoor Dirk – Jesus die spaar wiel ! Jesus die nood Apteker
Pastoor Dirk – Die Corona Virus en die NWO Deel 2
Pastoor Dirk – Waarom is Israel Belangrik in die Eindtyd?
Pastoor Dirk – Die Voor die Verdrukking Wegraping ongelowiges het weer n nuwe Datum
Pastoor Dirk – Kom op die Rots – die vangnette van die voelvangers word stywer getrek
Pastoor Dirk – Die Bloed is nog daar vir ons beskerming
Pastoor Dirk – As die Gees en die Bloed bymekaar kom
Pastoor Dirk – Jesus se verhouding met sy Vader
Pastoor Dirk – As die Heilige Gees jou Dryf!
Pastoor Dirk – Daar is nog nie Genoeg VREES nie
Pastoor Dirk – Daar is daai Christene Groep
Pastoor Dirk – Tot in die 7de Hemel
Pastoor Dirk – Is Bybel Profesies nou Op Ys weens Corona?
Pastoor Dirk – Saai in Gesonde Grond sodat jy eendag kan Oes in die Groot verdrukking
Pastoor Dirk – Uit met die Nuut in met die Oud
Pastoor Dirk – Waar kom die Christen verdrukking vandaan? die 5de Seel
Pastoor Dirk – Die Voorbereiding van die Uitverkorenes
Pastoor Dirk – Goeie Vrydag Oggend Boodskap
Pastoor Dirk – Die 4 Vereistes om deel te wees van die Wegraping
Pastoor Dirk – Dit is Hulle wat uit die Groot Verdrukking Kom
Pastoor Dirk – Die Valse Wenstreep getrek deur Satan
Pastoor Dirk – Die 3rd Joodse Tempel
Mense van Sewefontein – Vervolg verhaal
Pastoor Dirk – Van Hero to Zero
Pastoor Dirk – Die Dier onheilige 3 eenheid
Pastoor Dirk – Psalm 91 Voorbereidings Begin NOU !
Pastoor Dirk – Die Toestand van die Aarde na die Wegraping
Pastoor Dirk – Die 2 Kenmerke van ‘n Eindtyd Kind van God
Pastoor Dirk – Ons staan Naak sonder Wapenrusting
Pastoor Dirk – Hoe Hanteer ons as Family die 666
Die 7de Seel, 7de Trompet en 7de plaag beskryf dieselfde gebeurtenis
Pastoor Dirk – Audio – Wat is die Ware betekenis en Dag van die Sabbat?
Pastoor Dirk – Die Seel van God in my VoorHoof
Pastoor Dirk – Wat doen ons terwyl ons wag ?
Pastoor Dirk – Die “Backseat Driver” Christen
Pastoor Dirk – Die 4 Perd Wedren word nou ‘n 3 Perd Wedren
Pastoor Dirk – Die Nuwe Corona Wereld Orde is gestig
Pastoor Dirk – Die Merk van die Dier aangekondig
Pastoor Dirk – Is jou naam geskryf in die Boek van die Lewe ?
Pastoor Dirk – Drukgange van die Eindtyd
Pastoor Dirk – Die Tydlyn , Bybel Profesie en Bou van Geloof
Pastoor Dirk – Is ons Werklik gereed vir dit wat gaan kom?
Pastoor Dirk – Judea en Samaria en Jesus se Waarskuwing
Pastoor Dirk – Die 7de Gees van God vir die Eindtyd
Pastoor Dirk – Deja Vu vir Gog en Magog
Pastoor Dirk – Redding uit vrees is nie Redding NIE
Pastoor Dirk – Les 1 van 8, Laaste 8 jare op Aarde, Jaar 8 begin met Gog en Magog
Pastoor Dirk – Les 2 van 8, Laaste 8 jare op Aarde, Jaar 7 Bou van die 3rd Joodse Tempel
Pastoor Dirk – Les 3 van 8, Laaste 8 jare op Aarde, Jaar 6 Vrede en Sekuriteit
Pastoor Dirk – Audio Les 4 van 8, Laaste 8 jare op Aarde, Jaar 5 Hoor die stem van die Heilige Gees
Pastoor Dirk – Audio Les 5 van 8, Laaste 8 jare op Aarde, Jaar 4 Ontmoet die antichrist
Pastoor Dirk – ‘n Datum bepaal vir die Koms van die Antichrist
Pastoor Dirk – Audio Les 6 van 8, Laaste 8 jare op Aarde, Jaar 3 Die Seel van God
Pastoor Dirk – Audio Les 7 van 8, Laaste 8 jare op Aarde, Jaar 2 Bloed Ooral
Pastoor Dirk – Audio Lering – Onder wie se Gesagsfiguur blaas jy jou Shofar?
Pastoor Dirk – Audio Les 8 van 8, Laaste 8 jare op Aarde, Jaar 1 Son Brand Uit
Pastoor Dirk – AUDIO boodskap – Die 7 Jaar vredes verdrag in die Nuus
Pastoor Dirk – 8 Audio Lesse – Laaste 8 jaar op Aarde
Pastoor Dirk – Wat het ek nodig om die wegraping te maak?
Pastoor Dirk – Die Antichrist se Begin en Einde
Pastoor Dirk – Die 5 Krone by die Breilofsmaal
Pastoor Dirk – Veels Geluk Jesus – 23 Sept
Pastoor Dirk – Wanneer ons Leef in Valse Hoop
Pastoor Dirk – Oorlog of Vrede in die Middeooste Volgende
Pastoor Dirk – Wanneer die Engele die Aarde en See beskadig
Pastoor Dirk – Hoeveel tyd het jy nog nodig?
Pastoor Dirk – Hou nou op met Sonde!
Pastoor Dirk – 666 Vrywillig Vriendelik Verplig
Pastoor Dirk – Hemelvaart 2021 en Gebeure in Israel tans
Geloofs Nagmaal 30 Junie 2021
Pastoor Dirk – As Gog en Magog vanaand plaasvind
Pastoor Dirk – Audio Nagmaal – die 7 Heiligmakings Nagmale
Hemelvaart Nagmaal 18 Mei 2023
Is jy Verdrukking Gereed? Gratis eboek vir die Kind van God Anti-Vaxxer
Nagmaal 1 April 2021 Pastoor Dirk
Pastoor Dirk – Eindtyd Reeks , 11 Leeringe met Heerlike Hemel musiek
Pastoor Dirk – Heilige Gees Lering Reeks – 9 met Prag Gees Musiek
Pastoor Dirk – Is die Covid Vaccine die Merk van die Dier? Audio -Jan & Jul 2021
Pastoor Dirk – Trump / Uit // Biden / In . Wat doen dit aan Bybel Profesie ? Audio
The 1000 Year Millennial Kingdom Reign of Jesus Christ
Under whose Authority are you sounding Your Shofar?
Telling your Kids “we are living in the End Times”
The Illuminati in the Church Today!
The Danger of the Christian Zionist False Religion Movement
TruMix Dry Survival Packs
5 Wyse Maagde Voorbereidings Groep
The 5th Trumpet NEXT – Babylon (Republic of California) Ring of Fire and Yellowstone
Vaccine – Or NO Vaccine?
The Words of Jesus – In the Book of Revelation
Kort Video – 12 Stappe na die Hemel
Eindtyd Plaas Audio
Jesus Haat die Lering – Doktriene
Prepare for the Journey, the Darkness is Here – Audio
Vaccine Record – Green Passport
Hoe Ontvang ek Heilige Gees Doping?
The Truth about Covid, Vaccines and Treatment. The Battle against God and it’s People
Kind van God word wakker die Filistyne is op jul !
Pastoor Dirk – Audio Sept 2021 – Is jy verdrukking en Hemel gereed – wel die Merk van die Dier is op ons!
How can I receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Geen bewys in die Bybel vir ‘n Voor die Verdukking wegraping nie!
Covid 19 ” Traffic Light System ” The Mark of the Beast Control
Nagmaal – 23 Sept 2022
End Time Articles
10 Signs That Jesus is Coming Soon
18 Major News Announcements before the Return of Jesus
3 Trumpets Left
5 Seals Opened, 6th Seal Next!
777, 7 Hours, 7 Days, 7 Years
7th Seal & 7th Vale & 7th Trumpet Describes the Same Event
A New Contender for the End Time Beast, the Feet of a Bear
An Army of Drones recorded in Bible Prophecy.
Christians sacrificing in the 3rd Jewish Temple
Earth stops Spinning/Rotating after the Rapture!
End Time Q and A
4 SA Predikers Praat oor die Regering se Vaccine Mandaat teenoor die Kerk
Front Row Tickets to the Gog and Magog War
God and The Nuclear Bomb!
Our Earthly Journey towards the Battle of Armageddon!
Saudi Arabia in Bible Prophecy!
Super Volcano is the 5th Trumpet
Syria & The End Times
The 144 000
The 3 Future Wars and the Role Players in Bible Prophecy
The 3 Woe’s in Bible Prophecy
The 5th Trumpet Next , Super Volcano and Drone War.
The 7 Thunders ! God speaks to everyone on Earth at once
The Bear with 3 Ribs in his mouth
The Holy Spirit, the Antichrist and Jesus
The Importance of the Euphrates in the End Time
The Misunderstanding of the Eastern Gate
The Role of the Holy Spirit in the End Times!
The Ships of Chittim
The Time Period of the Great Tribulation.
The Timeline Order of the Book of Revelation
The Water of the Flood and Hail of Armageddon
The Wrath of God and the Last 3 Trumpets
The Wrath of God VS the Wrath of the Lamb
Time Line of the 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets and 7 Vials of Revelations
Wake Up Child of God!!!!
What will happen on Earth after the Rapture?
What will Happen on Earth during the Last 10 Years?
World Events and Bible Prophecy
2024 Jaar van Eindtyd Gebed
What does the Bible say about the Future of our SUN?
Weapons burn for 7 Years
Two Future Earth Quakes in Israel
Two Future Earthquakes in Israel
Die Koordinate van die Wegraping!
66 Satellites in 6 Orbits set for 666 Monitoring
The Number That will control the World soon!
Healing Articles
A deep dive into non-bacterial inflammation
Background to Cancer in General
Cerebral Palsy
Chronic Fatigue, Lethargy and Exhaustion
Deal with the issues behind Cancer
Diabetes and the spiritual root behind it
Fibromyalgia (Wide Spread Body Pain)
Healing and Dealing with Sexual Problems in Marriage
Heart Abnormalities at Birth
Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidsim
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis and Chrons Disease)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis and Chrons Disease)
Reflux Disease (Heartburn)
Separation From God
Sometimes You Can’t Do It Alone
Spinal Stenosis
Summary of Common Diseases of the Eye
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
The Root Cause of Strokes
The Root Cause of Malabsorption
The Spiritual Reason Behind Abdominal Pain
The Spiritual Reason Behind Aneurysms
The Spiritual Reason Behind Angina Pectoris
The Spiritual Reason Behind Ankylosing Spondylitis
The Spiritual Reason Behind Bladder Cancer
The Spiritual Reason Behind Cardiovascular Diseases (Heart and Blood Vessels)
The Spiritual Reason Behind Chronic Fatigue, Lethargy and Exhaustion
The Spiritual Reason Behind Colic
The Spiritual Reason Behind Gall Stones and Pancreatitis
The Spiritual Reason Behind Gout
The Spiritual Reason Behind High Cholesterol
The Spiritual Reason Behind Hodgkin’s Disease and Leukaemia
The Spiritual Reason Behind Hypoglycaemia (Low Blood Sugar)
The Spiritual Reason Behind Mitral Valve Prolapse
The Spiritual Reason Behind Multiple Sclerosis
The Spiritual Reason Behind Ovarian Cancer
The Spiritual Reason Behind Psoriasis
The Spiritual Reason Behind Schizophrenia
The Spiritual Reason Behind Scoliosis
The Spiritual Reason Behind Sinusitis
The Spiritual Reason Behind Varicose Veins
The Spiritual Reasons Behind Depression!
The Spiritual Reasons Behind Prostrate and Testicular Cancer
The Spiritual Reasons Behind Sleeplessness
The Spiritual Reasons Behind Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
The Spiritual Roots Behind Heart Failure
The Spiritual Roots Behind Osteoporosis
Thrombophlebitis and Deep Vein Thrombosis
What Do We Do When We Are Not Healed?
When it’s Time to Kick the Bucket
Healing Article ~ I have Cancer!
The Spiritual Reason Behind Breast Cancer
The Spiritual Reasons Behind High Blood Pressure
Brain Tumors in Children
The Spiritual Reasons Behind Hair Loss
The Spiritual Reason Behind Stomach Ulcers
Allergies – The biggest lies of the devil!
Colon And Rectal Cancer
Lung Cancer
TruLight 2020 Missie ! Cancer and Cronic Illness ATTACK
Skin Disorders due to social anxiety!
Liver,Bladder & Pancreas Cancer
Prescription Medication “Pandora’s box”
The Spiritual Reason Behind Epilepsy
The Spiritual Reasons Behind Uterine or Cervix Cancer
Autoimmune diseases
I Cannot Loose Weight! Diets does not work!
The Spiritual Reasons Behind Stomach Cancer
The Spiritual Reason Behind Adrenal Tumors
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Alzheimer’s Disease
Conviction from the Holy Spirit vs Condemnation from satan
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Genetically Inherited Diseases
Die Waarheid oor Covid-2 Audio Leringe
The Spiritual Reason Behind Arthritis
The Spiritual Reasons Behind Migraines
The Spiritual Reason Behind Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Spiritual Reason Behind Osteoarthritis
28 Reasons Why Some People are Not Healed
28 Hindernisse teen jou Genesing
a Warning against the Covid 19 Vaccine – Dr MK Strydom MD
Biblical Relationship Advice
The Demonic Fear of dying of Covid 19
Trapped by the Evil spirit of Pornography – Porn
The reason for Deaths from the Delta Variant
Vrees – die Rede vir Covid 19 besmeting en Sterftes
Is Covid 19 Testing Killing your spiritual side and cause more dangerous side effects?
Covid 19 Inenting – Voor Loper van die Merk van die Dier – Biologiese Wapen en rede waarom dit nie werk nie !
Dr.Susan Vosloo Praat die Waarheid oor Covid en sy Inenting plus ander!
Prescription Prayers
Die 2 Rigting Gebed
Die Dankie Gebed
Die Krag Gebed
Gebed vir Genesing
Gebed vir Vertroosting
Gebed Vir Voorsorg teen Siektes en Beserings
Gebed vir Vryheid van Probleme vir Familie of Besigheid
Genesings gebed vir Covid 19 Pasiente -Audio en Skrif
Prescription Prayer for Healing – Given
The Power Prayer
Prayer for Healing
Prayer against Fear and Intimidation
Prayer for Deliverance
Prayer for Prevention for Illness and Injuries.
Gebed vir Voorsiening
Die Voorskrif Gebed teen Vrees
Radio Shows
9am/pm is The Holy Spirit Hour
Afterglow Music
Discover the Word
In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
Kids Hour
Principles of Living
Truth for Life
Words to Live By
Destined for Victory
Living On The Edge With Chip Ingram
Inside Gospel With Frankie Wilson
Focus on the Family at the Table
Gaither Homecoming Radio Show
Daren Streblow Comedy Show
Fire and Brimstone ~ The Old Time Preacher
LampLighter Theatre Radio Drama
Bible Prophecy in the News
Golan Height Oil ~ last Blood Moon ~ Gog and Magog.
Iran VS Saudi Arabia in Bible Prophecy
Nothing Happened after the Last Blood Moon 2015 – Wrong!!
Open Letter to Gog and Magog
Placing The Temple Mount under International Rule.
Pointing to Babylon
The Bible Prophecy Relationship between USA and Israel
What is waiting for Israel, 2022 and Beyond?
Hoe ver is ons in die Eindtyd in en wat is volgende ?
Bible Prophecy , What is awaiting in 2019
The Beast Trinity Revealed!
Elon Musk the Revelation 13 Man
The Last Shepherd of Israel = 70 Shepherds and the Messiah
This Video Blocked by Whatsapp & Facebook
7 Jaar verdrag word geteken Sept 2024.
The 7 Year PACT will be signed in Sept 2024
Yes , the 3rd Jewish Temple is coming soon !
23rd, 23rd, 23rd, 23rd, 23rd
Free eBooks
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Free Ebooks from Pastor Dirk
Free Ebooks from Dr Michelle Phd
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Die Eboek . Nie net ‘n Gees nie. Deur Pastoor Dirk
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Pastoor Dirk – Eindtyd Reeks , 11 Leeringe met Heerlike Hemel musiek